Bed Bugs
Length: 1/5 – 1/4 inch
Color: reddish-brown to mahogany, even more reddish if full from recent blood meal
Bed bugs are most easily identified by the small reddish-brown fecal spots on mattresses, upholstery, and walls. Bites on the legs, face, back, and arms, can also be a sign of bed bug presence. Bed bug bites are painless, however, the bite can swell and become red and itchy. Humans are the preferred host for the common bedbug, they also feed on animals such as poultry, dogs, cats, rats, and canaries. Bedbugs can detect humans from as far away as 5 feet, they can detect the human’s carbon dioxide from their breathing. Bed Bugs usually come out at night for their blood meal but it is possible for them to come out during the day if they are hungry or in heavy infestations.
The bed bug harborage area is usually close to its host where they are getting their blood meal. The folds and tufts of mattresses, box springs, headboards, and bedroom furniture can be hiding places for bed bugs. In severe infestations they can be found in many other places as well, such as behind loose wallpaper, picture frames, under door and window casings, in between wall and baseboards, behind electric switch plates, curtains, cracks in floors, sofas, chairs, and appliances.
Bedbug infestations can increase rapidly in a small amount of time. They have a fast reproductive nature, the female lays 1 to 5 eggs per day reaching up to 500 in her lifetime and the eggs hatch within ten days under normal room temperatures. It can take as little as 21 days for the bed bug to become an adult, depending on the temperature.
Bed Bugs are easily transported into homes or buildings on luggage from recent trips or overnight guests, used furniture, and clothing. If used furniture or clothing are purchased, the items will need to be inspected thoroughly before they are brought into the home or building.
If you spend the night at a location, away from home, inspect the mattress (with a flashlight) for signs of blood or fecal matter, making sure to look at the tufts and folds in the mattress, also be sure to inspect headboards. Do not put luggage or bags on the floor or near the bed. When you take your luggage to your home, inspect the clothing and items in the luggage, preferably outside or in the garage.